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How Long Do Police Investigations in South Carolina Take?

If you're under investigation or concerned about someone who is, you might be wondering how long a police investigation in South Carolina can take. The truth is, there isn't a straightforward answer. Investigations can vary widely in duration depending on several factors.

No Set Timeline for Investigations

In South Carolina, there is no minimum or maximum time for how long a police investigation can take. The length of time is determined by the individual law enforcement agency or the investigator handling the case. Some investigations might wrap up quickly, while others could drag on for months or even years.

Immediate Arrests vs. Lengthy Investigations

In some cases, the decision to arrest a suspect is made almost immediately. This is often the case with misdemeanor domestic violence situations or when there is a suspicion of DUI, where a responding patrol officer may decide on the spot whether to make an arrest.

However, more complex cases, especially those that require laboratory analysis like DNA testing, can take much longer. These cases may involve multiple steps, including gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and waiting for lab results. In these situations, weeks or even months might pass before any action is taken.

The Risks of Rushed Investigations

When investigations are rushed, there is a higher risk that police might miss critical evidence or overlook important details. This can work in favor of the defense, as these oversights can be used to raise reasonable doubt in court. 

No Statute of Limitations in South Carolina

It's important to note that South Carolina does not have a statute of limitations for criminal matters. This means that criminal allegations do not "expire." Police can pursue a case no matter how much time has passed since the alleged crime occurred.

What to Do if You're Under Investigation

If you find yourself involved in a police investigation, the best thing you can do is to remain silent. Do not meet with the police, answer any questions, make any statements, or consent to any searches until you have consulted with a criminal defense attorney. An experienced attorney can advise you on your rights and help protect your interests during the investigation.

Our lawyers offer free consultations to those who have been accused of a crime or are suspects in an investigation. Many of our clients come to us before they have been arrested, or have had a case formally brought against them. Early involvement frequently is very helpful for our client in those situations. When you contact our office you will have a chance to schedule a confidential, no obligation appointment with an attorney. During that appointment you'll have a chance to explain your situation, ask any questions you may have and learn exactly what steps can be taken to protect your interests.