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Back to School – Time for Expulsion Hearings


Even though area students have only just returned from summer break we’re already seeing an influx of expulsion matters. This includes students from Lexington High School, River Bluff High School, White Knoll High School, or other area Lexington schools.

Common offenses we’re seeing include:

Drug or Alcohol Possession – Any alcohol or drug possession can result in a “zero tolerance” expulsion proceeding

Online Offenses – We see students recommended for expulsion after being accused of making inappropriate online comments, emails, or social media posts.

Fighting – Any incident of fighting can result in an expulsion recommendation

Terroristic Threats – These situations arise when a student is reported from threatening, joking about, or discussing any type of school shooting, bombing, or other similar conduct. This is becoming more and more commonplace.

Just because a student is recommended for expulsion does not mean that they must be expelled. All students recommended for expulsion are entitled to a hearing before a district hearing officer, where they can be represented by an attorney. Expulsion hearings can result in less severe outcomes such as a dismissal of the expulsion recommendation, a reduction to a less-severe sanction, or a return to school on probation.

In some instances, the school may have insufficient evidence that the student actually committed a rule violation, or what rule actually applies.  In other instances, there can be questions regarding whether or not expulsion is the appropriate remedy or if the student should be allowed to return to school.  

We offer free in-office consultations for families of local students facing expulsion hearings. During this consultation, you’ll have an opportunity to meet with an attorney and discuss the exact circumstance your child is facing. We’ll be able to let you know exactly how the expulsion hearings are normally conducted for that school, and give you an idea of possible outcomes.