In South Carolina and nearly every state throughout the country, it is against the law to buy, sell, or otherwise profit from prostitution, which is a sex crime involving the exchange of sex for money.
Patronizing a prostitute occurs when a person purchases sexual services from another individual. A first offense carries a maximum jail sentence of 30 days and a fine not exceeding $200.
A second offense is punishable by a jail term of up to six (6) months and a maximum fine of $1,000. A third or subsequent offense can result in imprisonment for at least one year and a maximum fine of $3,000.
Pimping & Pandering
Pimping means making money from earnings from prostitutes, while pandering means facilitating prostitution. Common examples of such activities include establishing or maintaining a brothel, knowing aiding or abetting prostitution, transport someone for the purpose of prostitution, and lease or rent any vehicle, trailer, or building for the purpose of prostitution.
Pimping and pandering carry the same penalties as patronizing. Additionally, encouraging or soliciting minors for prostitution—or committing a prostitution offense within 100 yards of a child care facility—is a serious felony offense, punishable by imprisonment for up to ten (10) years, a maximum fine of $10,000, and sex offender registration.
Let the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC Protect Your Rights & Freedom
Patronizing, pimping, and pandering are all serious crimes, which is why it is wise to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help you avoid conviction or serving harsh criminal penalties, such as jail or prison time. Attorney James Snell Jr. has provided effective and personalized legal services to clients facing a wide range of sex crimes since 2004.
If you or a loved one has been arrested for patronizing, pimping, or pandering in Lexington or Columbia, contact us today at (803) 359-3301 for a free initial consultation.