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Night: The Most Dangerous Time to Drive


People who are drunk, under the influence of drugs, driving while distracted, and texting while driving are all known hazards on the road, but what a lot of drivers don’t realize is that one of the biggest driving hazards is the dark. Why? Reasons like compromised night vision, fatigue, and more impaired drivers on the road are all added risks when driving at night.

“These risks become especially pronounced moving into the weekend, with fatal crashes peaking Saturday nights, according to NSC analysis of NHTSA data,” the National Safety Council reports.

When Daylight Savings Time ends at the beginning of November, people end up driving in the dark more, and that’s when things like depth perception and peripheral vision can be less effective, and other drivers’ headlights, especially their “brights” can blind a driver temporarily.

Combatting the Darkness When Night Driving

What can you do to help you combat the dark when driving at night? Take this advice:

  • Dim the dashboard of your vehicle
  • When vehicles are approaching, look away from their lights
  • When wearing glasses, make sure they are anti-reflective
  • Keep your windshield clean and streak-free
  • Drive slower to compensate for the reduced visibility
  • Make sure your headlights are clean

Another reason it’s more dangerous to drive at night is compromised night vision. As people age, they have a harder time seeing at night, which is why you’ll see some people in their 50s and 60s and older refusing to drive at night.

According to the National Safety Council, someone who is 50 may need double the light to see as well as someone who is 30-years-old. When people reach the age of 60, it can get even more difficult to drive at night states the American Optometric Association.

Have you been injured in a crash that took place after dark? To file a claim for compensation, contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC at (803) 932-6117 today.
