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Why Drivers Need to Quit Speeding & Slow Down

Why Drivers Need to Quit Speeding & Slow Down

Do you remember what it was like when you first got your driver’s license as a teenager? Did you drive recklessly? Did you zip around town often driving 10 or 15 miles above the posted speed limit? Did you feel like you were invincible? Or, were you one of those extremely cautious (which are rare) new drivers who took everything slow?

If you were like so many teens, you probably drove a little too fast. You may have ignored the posted speed limit until one day you got a speeding ticket and had to pay the price – fines, perhaps traffic school, and higher insurance premiums. Maybe this doesn’t describe you, but it describes a lot of people. Young drivers are known for speeding and causing more accidents as a whole, which is why their insurance rates are higher than they are for more experienced drivers.

Speeding Endangers Everyone

Whether you’re 16, 25, 40, or 60-years-old, if you tend to speed, we ask that you stop right now because it puts everyone in danger, not just you. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “In 2018, speeding killed 9,378 people. We all know the frustrations of modern life and juggling a busy schedule, but speed limits are put in place to protect all road users.” NHTSA goes on to say that for over 20 years, speeding has played a role in approximately one-third of all car accident fatalities.

What are the consequences of speeding?

  • You could lose control of your vehicle
  • Your occupant protection equipment can be less effective
  • Increased stopping distance after you perceive a danger
  • Increased crash severity, which can lead to more severe injuries
  • Higher economic implications due to it being a speed-related crash
  • Increased fuel consumption and higher fuel expenditures

What drives people to speed? It often comes down to traffic congestion, running late for work or an appointment, disregard for other people and the law, and anonymity. When drivers are in a car, it’s like they’re insulated from the outside world and they may be detached from their surroundings and engage in more dangerous driving behaviors.

Next: What is the Most Dangerous Time of Day to Drive?

Were you involved in a speed-related accident that was not your fault? If so, contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC to file a claim for compensation.


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