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Summertime Safety Tips


For most people, the summer means fun in the sun, road trips, visiting friends and family far away and traveling. Since schools are out and business tends to be slower, it’s common for people to take advantage of the season and take some time off to enjoy the outdoors.

While there’s nothing like boating in the summer, playing in the sand and water, long walks on the beach, bicycle rides, and enjoying the warm summer breeze, the summertime brings its own set of dangers, mostly because of the heat and waterplay involved. To have a safe, healthy, and happy summer that’s accident-free, follow these summer safety tips!

Stay Safe in the Heat

During the summer, one of the biggest risks is a heat-related illness, which can cause death in severe cases. The human body regulates its temperature through sweating, but it can only do that for so long. If it gets too hot, the body can experience heat exhaustion or heat stroke. If the body overheats and it escalates, it can lead to organ damage, delirium, and death.

Those who are at the highest risk of heat-related illness include:

  • Infants and small children, especially when they’re left in hot cars
  • Elderly people age 65 and older
  • People who have chronic health conditions
  • People who are sick
  • People who are on certain medications
  • People who are not in a healthy weight range

To learn more about heat-related illnesses, visit the National Safety Council’s website. To stay safe on a hot day, stay hydrated, and drink water before you’re thirsty. Avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest times of the day, watch out for friends and family showing signs of heatstroke or heat exhaustion, and take time out to rest and cool your body down.

Stay Safe Around Water

To keep cool in the summer, people are naturally drawn to water, whether it’s swimming in a pool, visiting a waterpark, boating, kayaking, snorkeling, or scuba diving. To stay safe in and around water, follow this advice:

  • Never swim alone
  • Don’t let children swim in a pool unattended
  • Make sure children and poor swimmers wear lifejackets when riding in boats
  • Do not drink alcohol while watching children swim
  • Do not rely on lifeguards to watch your children swim
  • Enroll your children in swim lessons until they become excellent swimmers
  • Do not leave an infant or small child unattended near any amount of water, even a few inches
  • Take a class on CPR
  • Do not dive in areas you’re not familiar with
  • Never drink alcohol before you go swimming

If you are involved in an accident over the summer, contact our firm to file a personal injury claim for compensation!