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Responding to a Skid in Wet Weather


Rain can be wonderful for our lawns and gardens, but wet pavement can be extremely dangerous for drivers. Wet pavement is such a safety issue that it is associated with over one million car accidents annually, according to AAA.

One of the concerns about wet pavement is skidding. Your chances of skidding are even higher if you have bad tires or if you put your vehicle in cruise control while driving in the rain. When driving in wet weather, it’s absolutely vital that your tires have plenty of tread on them and that you avoid using cruise control, even if you’re in the freeway.

How Do I Respond to a Skid?

You can be the best driver and have brand-new tires and your car can still skid. If you feel your car begin to skid, stay calm and avoid panicking and follow these tips from AAA:

  • Continue to look in the direction you want your car to go
  • Continue to steer your vehicle in the direction you want your car to go
  • Do not slam on your brakes because it can affect the car’s balance and make it so you lose control of your vehicle

If you’re driving and your car starts to skid, continue to look ahead and make sure the steering wheel goes in the right direction. The thing to remember is to steer your vehicle in the direction you want it to go. It’s easy to panic but don’t. You do not want to slam on the brakes because as we mentioned above as it will make it harder to control your vehicle.

“Overall you want to be extra cautious in wet weather. Slow down, avoid hard braking or turning sharply and allow ample stopping distance between you and the cars in front of you. Also, do these things one at a time. Brake, then turn, then accelerate,” advises AAA.

Next: Do I Have to Report a Car Accident in South Carolina?

To file a car accident claim, contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC.
