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Auto Accidents in Construction Zones


There are a number of reasons why car accidents occur in construction zones. If lanes are reduced it can lead to slower traffic and if drivers don’t notice the reduction in speed, they can cause a crash. When lanes narrow, drivers can scrape their vehicles when they don’t notice these changes. Detours can cause drivers to be confused and frustrated, leading to crashes. Sometimes, distracted driving in a construction zone is to blame.

Drivers can drive too fast in a construction zone and this can cause an accident. But in some cases, the construction company or government is legally liable for an accident in a construction zone. This type of case arises when there was not enough (or any) signs to warn oncoming drivers of the dangers ahead of them.

Construction companies must provide adequate warning signs for road hazards and when they fail in this duty, they can be vulnerable to personal injury lawsuits for the accidents they cause. The theory is that drivers should be warned about construction work, otherwise accidents can occur.

If drivers have no clue there’s road construction ahead and their lane narrows or their flow of traffic is diverted, the drivers can be in reaction mode when they drive straight into a construction zone. Meaning, the driver can overreact or collide with another vehicle, a guardrail or even a pedestrian when they unwittingly enter a construction zone.

Road Construction Safe Driving Tips

While drivers cannot control what construction companies do to adequately warn motorists, drivers do need to be alert for any construction on public roads and highways. To reduce the chance of an accident, drivers should be on the lookout for construction work and when they encounter it, they should seek out roadway hazards, even if there aren’t sufficient warning signs.

Don’t forget to slow down in construction zones and observe the posted speed limits designated in construction areas. Merge quickly and safely and avoid unnecessary lane changes. If you are injured in a construction zone accident, contact our firm to file a claim for compensation.