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FAQs About Car Insurance in South Carolina


In all 50 states, people cannot take their vehicles on the public roadways unless they have purchased the required auto insurance. Auto insurance is a necessity since it pays for medical bills, lost income and other damages in the event of an accident. If we didn’t have auto insurance, a lot of us would have no way to pay our medical bills, repair or replace our vehicles, or obtain the income we lost after being injured.

We put together a list of frequently asked questions and answers about auto insurance in South Carolina. We encourage you to read this post and if you need to file a car accident claim, don’t hesitate to contact our firm for help.

1. What factors determine my auto insurance rates? A number of factors go into determining your auto insurance rates, including: your age and gender, your experience, your driving record, where you live, what kind of car you drive, your annual mileage, and your credit score.

2. Is South Carolina a no fault insurance state? No, South Carolina is technically an at-fault insurance state. As a tort liability state, injured parties can pursue claims against at-fault drivers in car accident cases.

3. Who pays my medical bills if I’m in a car accident? Under South Carolina law, you are responsible for your ongoing medical expenses after a car accident. But, the at-fault driver is obligated to pay you damages in a personal injury settlement. Our advice is to get a personal injury attorney from our firm to file a lien on your behalf. With a lien, you continue receiving medical care but the healthcare providers hold off on billing you until your case is settled. In the end, healthcare providers are paid with the proceeds of your settlement or verdict from trial.

4. Can an auto insurance company refuse to sell me insurance? Yes, by law, insurance companies are allowed to refuse to insure drivers. So, if you have a DUI or too many points on your record, insurance companies may consider you a “high risk driver” and refuse to insure you. If this happens, you’ll have to shop around for the best deal.

5. Can the insurance company cancel me for nonpayment?Yes. If you fail to pay your auto insurance premiums by the date they’re due, your auto insurance company can cancel your auto insurance at any time for nonpayment.

6. Does liability cover broken windshields? Liability insurance does not cover broken windshields; however, comprehensive insurance does. If you have a private passenger vehicle, your deductible should be waived.

7. Are insurance companies required to notify people when their renewal premiums are due? Yes. Under South Carolina law, you must have 15 days’ notice. However, companies are in the practice of mailing out renewal notices 30 to 45 days before the policy renewal date.

8. Am I required to purchase uninsured motorist coverage? Many states make uninsured motorist optional, but in South Carolina drivers are required by law to purchase this coverage. There is a $200.00 deductible, but if your insurance company is reimbursed by the uninsured motorist, your deductible should be refunded.

Related: Auto Insurance in Columbia, SC

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