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Filing a Dangerous Drug Claim


In the United States, our country is having a love affair with prescription drugs. In the last twenty years, prescription drugs have become BIG business, especially for pharmaceutical companies. These days, manufacturers are pushing their drugs on people so hard, they air commercials about their products urging people to “ask their doctors” about getting a prescription. Funny, shouldn’t doctors be the ones to handle that, not the patients?

Of course, there are drugs on the market that save lives, increase lifespans, and improve people’s quality of life. But unfortunately, not all drugs approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) are safe. All too often, a new drug is approved through the FDA’s fast-track process, before the manufacturer has allowed sufficient time to see the true effects of a given drug.

When this happens, the general public takes the dangerous drug and experiences serious, if not life-threatening side effects before the drug is effectively removed from pharmacy shelves. Sometimes, thousands of innocent men, women, and children suffer serious harm before a drug is recalled for its dangerous side effects. Isn’t something very wrong with this picture? We’d say so. Drugs should not be released on the market before they’re side effects are fully known.

FDA Drug Recalls

According to the FDA, “A drug recall is the most effective way to protect the public from a defective or potentially harmful product. A recall is a voluntary action taken by a company at any time to remove a defective product from the market.”

Drug recalls are not to be taken lightly. On May 23, 2018 for example, the FDA recalled oral over-the-counter benzocaine products used as local anesthetics, and for teething (for infants) and mouth pain due to their risk of causing a serious and possibly fatal blood disorder. To see a list of 2018 recalls, market withdrawals and safety alerts from the FDA, click here.

While there are too many dangerous drugs to count, our firm handles dangerous drug claims regarding the following dangerous drugs:

Even if you don’t see your dangerous drug on the above list, it does not mean we won’t accept your claim. If you were harmed by a dangerous drug, we urge you to contact our firm to find out if you can pursue compensation. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation with a Columbia, SC personal injury lawyer.