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Filing a Dangerous Drug Claim

James Snell

Were you taking medication for a medical condition, only for that medication to create additional health problems? Perhaps the medication caused such severe side effects that you experienced a heart attack, blood clots, disabling dizziness, or another adverse reaction that affected your quality of life.

If you were injured by a prescription drug that you used and you experienced pain and suffering, additional medical expenses, or lost work, you may be able to file a product liability claim associated with the dangerous drug.

While prescription drugs are meant to help people, it is not uncommon for a dangerous drug to be released on the market, only to cause severe adverse reactions or side effects in the people who take them. When the patient suffers actual damages, they may have grounds to file a product liability claim.

What types of dangerous drug claims are there?

Sometimes a manufacturer will receive reports about adverse events and they will voluntarily recall a dangerous drug. Other times, the FDA will insist that a drug manufacturer recall a dangerous drug after numerous people experience dangerous side effects.

Essentially, drug-based product liability claims fall into one of the following categories:

  • Claims involving product defects: These drugs were manufactured improperly or were somehow tainted. For example, there was a labeling or shipping error.
  • Drugs that cause dangerous side effects: These claims involve drugs that were properly manufactured, but they led to serious side effects.
  • Drugs with marketing defects: These claims often involve injuries that were caused by inadequate instructions, or the failure to provide consumers with adequate warnings about safe use, drug interactions, etc.

Often, a dangerous drug claim will involve one or more of the issues listed above. The defendants in a dangerous drug lawsuit may include the manufacturer, the testing laboratory, the doctor, the pharmacy, or any combination of the above.

At the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, we have represented clients in a variety of dangerous drug claims, including but not limited to the following drugs: Accutane, Actos, Diflucan, Fentanyl, Pradaxa, and Yaz.

To learn more about filing a dangerous drug lawsuit in Columbia, South Carolina, contact us for a free case evaluation.