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Safety Tips to Prevent Dog Bites

James Snell

Unfortunately, dog bites and attacks are common events. Even though dogs can be wonderful companions who also protect our homes and property from burglars and other criminals, they are still animals, which means they can still bite and attack the wrong people at the wrong time.

When a dog owner is irresponsible and their dog injures an innocent person, who is lawfully allowed to be in a location where the attack took place, the dog’s owner can be held for any damage their pet causes during the dog bite and attack.

Beware of Aggressive Dogs

Some dogs have the best personalities and are naturally affectionate and good-natured. Usually, these kind-hearted animals have been raised by loving owners. Others, have not been properly socialized, or they’ve been physically abused by their owners, or their owners have specifically trained them to be aggressive towards other animals and people.

Since many dogs have uncertain pasts (especially shelter dogs), it’s important that people approach them carefully and with caution. If a dog was mistreated or improperly socialized, they’re more likely to mistrust people and their movements; therefore, the chances of the dog biting are higher.

Here are some basic tips from the ASPCA to prevent dog bites. If you have children, please be sure to educate them so they can reduce their chances of being injured by an aggressive dog:

  • Do not approach a dog that is sleeping or eating.
  • Do not approach a dog that is chewing a toy.
  • Do not approach a dog that is caring for puppies.
  • Do not approach a dog that is barking or growling.
  • Do not approach a dog that is scared.
  • Do not pet an unfamiliar dog without asking the owner for permission.
  • Before touching an unfamiliar dog, let him or her sniff your hand first.
  • Do not pet a dog that is in a car or behind a fence. Dogs usually protect their space.
  • If you see a dog that is off a leash outside, do not approach the dog.
  • If a loose dog comes near you outside, do not make eye contact or run. Instead, stay still until the dog leaves.

If you, or someone you love has been bitten or attacked by a dangerous dog, the dog’s owner may be liable for your injuries. To file a claim for compensation, contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC to speak with a Columbia personal injury attorney for free.