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Should I Take the Insurance Company's Offer?


Here’s what usually happens after a person is injured in an accident: the victim files a claim with the at-fault person’s insurance company (or his or her own insurance provider), the insurance company evaluates the claim, and then the insurer either denies the claim or makes a settlement offer. In many cases, the insurance company is quick to rush the injury victim into accepting its offer (if an offer is made at all). The reason behind this rush is that many insurance companies offer victims settlements that are far below the actual values of their claims, and they want to get the deal sealed before the victim realizes that he or she is being shortchanged.

Don’t be fooled by this tactic! Before you accept any agreement and sign any paperwork, make sure to consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer who can evaluate the offer and tell you whether or not it is actually sufficient. Even if the settlement sounds like a good deal, it is vital that you first obtain legal counsel before making any decisions. There are many injury victims who accept settlements only to later discover that their medical expenses came out to more than they expected, or that there were additional damages that weren’t taken into account. Some victims mainly focus on their current damages and fail to properly assess future losses, such as future medical bills for long-term injuries or future lost wages from long-term disabilities. Once the settlement is signed, the insurance company is usually released from any further liability for the accident addressed in the claim.

At the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, we have the legal skills and resources that are needed to properly assess what your damages are now and what they will be further down the road. We have access to medical experts who can provide assistance in this assessment. Our Lexington personal injury attorneys know how to deal with insurance companies and can negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. Furthermore, they will not simply back down if the insurance company is not willing to negotiate fairly—they are ready to go to court to fight for the right amount of compensation! Our advice is to involve a competent insurance lawyer from the very start of your case so that you can take every action possible to maximize your financial recovery. Contact our firm for assistance!