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Why Choose Our Firm for a Drunk Driving Accident Case


Have you or a loved one been injured in a collision caused by a drunk driver? According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), roughly one out of every three traffic deaths in the United States involves an intoxicated motorist. While the criminal justice system can punish a drunk driver for causing a collision, it does nothing to compensate the victims.

At the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, our Columbia car accident lawyers are passionate about protecting the rights of drunk driving accident victims and can provide the steadfast support you need to pursue the compensation you deserve. With personalized attention and an unshakable dedication to preserving your well-being, we can help you get through this difficult time and fight to maximize your financial recovery.

Why choose our firm for your case? Consider the following reasons:

  • Attorney Snell is Rated 10/10 on Avvo
  • Member of the National Trial Lawyers: Top 100 Trial Lawyers
  • The firm is Rated + on the BBB
  • Free case reviews

If we are not successful, you will not pay a dime – contact us today to discuss your case.

Who Is Responsible for My Losses?

Drivers who get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol are considerably more likely to cause a collision than sober drivers. As a depressant, alcohol can significantly impair a person’s ability to process and react to sensory inputs – an imperative skill while driving. This can cause impaired vision, reduced reaction times, drowsiness, and a feeling of over-confidence behind the wheel, oftentimes resulting in collisions that are far more devastating than other types of car accidents.

Depending on the circumstances of your collision, you may have grounds to press criminal charges against the driver and pursue legal action against both the driver and the party responsible for providing them with alcohol, including social hosts and restaurant or bar owners.

Our car accident attorney can help you pursue compensation for a wide range of damages, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Vehicle repairs
  • Lost present and future income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

Retain the Zealous Advocacy You Need

At the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, our Columbia personal injury lawyer believes that no individual or family should ever have to endure the consequences of a drunk driver’s actions on their own. Our compassionate advocate understands your struggles and is prepared to do everything within his power to minimize the stress you experience during your pursuit of justice. From examining police reports to conducting investigations regarding where the drunk driver may have consumed alcohol before your collision, we can handle the legal heavy lifting and ensure your rights are protected every step of the way during this difficult time.

We proudly offer free case reviews to all who approach us for assistance.
