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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Names May Bicycle Safety Month


In recent years, fatal bicycle accidents have been increasing. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) hopes to tackle the problem head on by declaring May as Bicycle Safety Month. The initiative includes the launch of a new campaign – “Be a Roll Model” – that has intentional focus on educating not only bicyclist but also motorists of the importance of safe bicycling practices.

When you are riding your bicycle, near busy roadways or not, you should always keep the following helpful hints in mind to protect not only yourself but also those around you.

  • Hard hats are required: Always wear a helmet that is properly secured when you are riding your bicycle, even if you are just taking a short trip down the street.
  • Respect the rules of the road: Bicyclists need to remember that not only automobiles have to follow road and highway regulations. Be mindful of traffic signs when traveling by bike.
  • Be sure to share: Bicyclists and motorists alike must always share the road responsibly. Many collisions with bikers occur near intersections or during lane changes.
  • Visibility is key: According to the NHTSA, nearly half of all bicyclist fatalities occur between 4 PM and midnight. When the sun is down, wear bright colors and reflectors to help motorists see you from afar.
  • Ride responsibly: About one in four bicyclists who die in an accident had been intoxicated at the time. Just like driving, riding a bike requires careful coordination and sobriety.

If you have been injured by a negligent driver while you were riding your bicycle, you may be able to seek financial compensation for your unjust injuries. Contact a Columbia personal injury attorney at the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr. LLC today to request a free consultation. Let us deal with the busy work and develop a strong case on your behalf. After all, you deserve to focus on rest and recovery.
