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Injuries Caused By Airbag Defects


Airbags are some of the most important safety features found in cars. When your car collides with another object or vehicle, the airbag will come out of the dashboard and inflate with the purpose of providing protection against the hard structure of the interior. While airbags have been linked to saving tens of thousands of lives since they became required in cars, they are also capable of causing injuries as well. When airbags fail to properly deploy, you may find yourself facing worse injuries than expected.

How Can My Airbag Hurt Me?

There are many different components involved in an airbag going off properly and providing the intended protection. When any of these factors malfunction, an airbag can become extremely dangerous.

Airbag defects that cause injuries include:

  • Airbags inflate when unnecessary or after it is too late
  • Horizontal inflation when deployed instead of vertical
  • Inflators that use too much force when they go off
  • Internal tethers that cause the bag to inflate like a basketball

As a result of these incidents, injuries such as severe thermal, chemical, or friction burns can occur. Hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, asthma attacks, blindness, broken bones, and decapitation can also be caused by an airbag defect.

When an airbag fails to work properly, automobile manufactures need to be held liable. Safety features in cars are there to ensure that drivers and passengers are protected in the unfortunate event that something goes wrong. You trust that these features will do their job, but when you are no longer protected by the safety measures that are there to protect you, there is legal recourse that can be taken.

If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident and injured as a result of an airbag defect, you deserve to hold the car manufacturer liable. With the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr. LLC by your side, you are ready to fight.