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Defective Drug Injures - Manufacturers Can't Test for Everything


When we are prescribed medicine by our doctors or take something right off the shelf, there is a certain sense of security in knowing that the substance we are using has been “approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)." It can come as a shock to discover that even drugs that have been approved and once seemed totally beneficial can lead to dangerous side effects and health problems.

It is important to understand that FDA approval is only that: approval. It does not guarantee safety. It doesn’t even mean it is safe to use when abiding by directions and dosage amount. It merely means that the FDA approves its use to treat or otherwise address a certain medical condition.

Defective Drugs Can Slip Through the Testing Process

There is a common misconception that the FDA tests drugs; it does not. It is the strict responsibility of the drug’s manufacturer to test for any harmful side effects or defects that could cause some sort of malady, rather than cure one. When there is no governmental eye on how substances are being developed or performing, negligence or wrongdoing can lead to harmful products hitting the market.

When the FDA does review a drug for approval, it can take as few as six months to reach the public. With such a fast turnaround between manufacture and consumption, it comes as no surprise that some defects go unnoticed. Even the most thorough and efficient manufacturers can’t test for everything, and they can miss harmful results related to:

  • The drug’s effect several years later
  • Taking the drug with other medications
  • Effects that may vary depending on the user’s age or diet
  • The drug altering when stored in imperfect conditions

What Can You Do If a Defective Drug Hurts You?

Part of the danger of defective drugs is that it can be difficult to pinpoint the harm they have caused to your body, and the hazardous side effects might remain dormant until years later. To bring your case against the manufacturer who produced the substance, you will need to be able to prove that it was their drug that caused you harm.

To increase the strength of your case to pursue a fair recovery by building a responsive and comprehensive case, you will want to contact a Columbia dangerous drug attorney from the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr. LLC today. Our lead attorney, Mr. James R. Snell, Jr., is “Superb” rated through Avvo and A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. If you would like to see what a lawyer of his caliber can accomplish for your personal injury claims, schedule your free consultation today.