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What Happens If I Didn't Call The Police After A Traffic Accident?


We recommend that everyone involved in a South Carolina car accident contact the police, even if only to document where each vehicle has visible damage. Police officers can also document the names, addresses and phone numbers of other witnesses as well as each side's initial version of what caused the accident.

Failure to contact the police can lead to a situation where important witnesses may not be known, or where one side attempts to falsely shift the blame on the other driver for responsibility for the collision. Even though failing to contact the police can potentially cause some problems, you are still legally allowed to pursue a full accident claim regardless of whether or not the police were involved.

You should know that we have successfully resolved cases before where the police were not initially called, or where the police report initially found our client at fault. If you were in an accident and did not contact the police it is still recommended that you consult with a Lexington personal injury lawyer regarding your case. The Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, offers free initial consultations to anyone who was injured in a South Carolina traffic accident.
