Pre-trial Intervention, or PTI, is a program sponsored by the prosecutor's office in each South Carolina judicial circuit. As a diversion program it is an alternative to prosecution in Court. Completion of PTI will result in a dismissal of the charge and removal of the arrest record.
By statute PTI is not available for someone charged with DUI or DUAC. This cannot be waived by with the Court or the prosecutor's office.
In most cases the only options for a DUI arrest are to either resolve it through a plea bargain or challenge it in Court. DUI charges that can be reduced typically are reduced to reckless driving or another
traffic offense.
If you are interested in challenging your South Carolina DUI you may contact the
Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, for an initial case review. They are provided confidentially and without charge in our office located at 316 South Lake Drive in downtown Lexington.

Can you receive PTI for a DUI?
James Snell