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Scar Repair Won’t Be Covered by Your Health Insurance After a Dog Bite

Dog attacks can result in vicious injuries including prominent scars. The original medical care needed including an ambulance and emergency room services may be covered by health insurance. Often though the future surgery needed to correct the scars left behind will not be covered by health insurance. The request to cover them will be denied because they will not be medically necessary and will be considered cosmetic.

The future cost of cosmetic surgery related to a dog bite can be a significant part of the overall damage. If the anticipated cost of the procedures necessary to correct the scar damage is not included within the statute of limitations for a dog bite, or included in the settlement, then the injured person will either have to live with the scars or come out of pocket to pay for the expenses.

To help my clients recover the money necessary for future procedures related to any scars I recommend consultation with a cosmetic surgeon to prepare a medical summary and cost estimate. This can be submitted to the insurance company as part of the settlement demand package.

The Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, accepts dog bite cases throughout South Carolina. To discuss your case with our office contact us at 1-803-932-6117.