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First Time DUI in South Carolina


If you have been arrested for South Carolina DUI and have no previous history of arrests, you face substantial legal penalties which can impact your personal and professional life.

Drunk driving is considered a zero tolerance offense for the South Carolina Highway Patrol and and most city and county police officers. The penalties for a DUI conviction start high, and only get worse for those with a prior history of convictions.

South Carolina has three tiers of DUI offenses. Most all of the defendants charged with the more serious levels are the ones who tried to cooperate with the police. Depending on the level you are charged with you face a fine of approximately $1,000-2,500 and up to ninety days in the county detention center.

Everyone convicted of a DUI in South Carolina will also face the penalties imposed by the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. This includes a driver's license suspension, mandatory alcohol counseling and the requirement to have special DUI insurance.

You cannot trust the police officer or the court to have mercy on you just because this is your first time facing a DUI charge. It is important that you consult with a DUI Defense Attorney before your Court date to ensure that you understand all of your legal rights along with the possible defenses for a South Carolina DUI charge.

Columbia DUI Defense Attorney James Snell represents clients charged with traffic offenses throughout South Carolina. To schedule your confidential consultation with him about your DUI or other criminal charge contact his office at 1-888-301-6004.