A more serious charge than
Simple Possession of Marijuana is Possession with Intent to Distribute.
drug charge is designed for situations where a defendant is found in
possession of marijuana for a purpose of distributing it to others.
Generally those found with over one ounce of marijuana, carry it in multiple
packages or confess to a plan to distribute will be charged with this offense.
PWID Marijuana is a felony and anyone convicted faces a prison sentence,
criminal record and a driver's license suspension.
As a
drug crime defense law firm we represent defendants charged with PWID Marijuana and other serious
crimes. An investigation into the facts and actions of the police may
indicate significant legal or factual defenses. To discuss your case in
more detail with our office contact us at (803) 359-3301 or 24/7 at 1-888-301-6004.

PWID Marijuana
James Snell