I have been researching a disturbing tactic being used by Federal law enforcement agencies in an effort to make child pornography arrests.
One of the latest tactics involves posting links in online forums that are described to lead to unlawful pornographic images involving children. The links don't lead to any child pornography, instead they lead to a computer system operated by the FBI that will record the visitor's IP address. Afterwards a subpoena is served on the related ISP and a search warrant will be obtained for the address listed on the account.
This really amounts to taxpayer paid secret police trolling online and
link baiting the message boards with
The resulting charge will be an attempt to obtain child pornography (attempt since no illegal pornography actually exists). This is a Federal crime that carries up to ten years imprisonment. Just like that a sex crimes criminal can be made from an otherwise law abiding citizen.
As an Internet Crimes Defense Attorney I remain available to represent and counsel those charged with any child pornography charge originated from an online sting. To discuss your case please call my office at (803) 359-3301.

FBI link baiting for Child Pornography Cases
James Snell