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Can Older Workers Qualify for Disability Benefits?


Yes, older workers can qualify for disability benefits. It may be easier in many cases for an older worker to receive benefits than it would for a comparably impaired young worker.

When the Social Security Administration evaluates someone's claim for disability benefits they consider a range of factors including:

  • Physical work restrictions
  • Psychological work restrictions
  • Non-exertional work restrictions
  • Education
  • Work Background
  • Age

When an applicant is older they may qualify for disability benefits that a younger individual may not with the same conditions. The older the worker the easier it is in many cases to meet the necessary legal standards. This is because the law recognizes the special difficulties an older worker may have in learning a new trade or in compensating for any impairment.

The Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, is a Lexington SC Social Security Disability Law Firm representing clients throughout South Carolina with their disability benefit claims. To receive experienced legal assistance with your denied benefits claim contact us today at (803) 359-3301. There is no charge to see if we can help with your claim.